Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The difference between aviation aluminum plate and ordinary aluminum plate

The difference between aviation aluminum plate and ordinary aluminum plate

Aviation aluminum plate is an ultra-high-strength deformed aluminum alloy with good mechanical properties and processing properties, easy to shape, good heat treatment strengthening effect, high strength at high temperature (150 ° C or higher), and good toughness.
Compared with ordinary aluminum alloys, aviation aluminum alloys have higher requirements on strength, hardness, toughness, fatigue resistance and plasticity. Due to the light weight and light weight effect of aviation aluminum, it has replaced steel and occupied the dominant position of current aviation materials.
aviation aluminum plate

[图: aluminum_plate-13-300x225.jpg]6082 Aluminum Alloy
There are many kinds of aluminum alloys used on airplanes. The aluminum alloysused in aviation aircraft structures in the world today are mainly high-strength 2 series (2024, 2017, 2A12, etc.) and ultra-high-strength 7 series (7075, 7475, 7050, 7A04, etc.), and some 5 series (5A06, 5052, 5086, etc.) and 6 series (6061, 6082, etc.) and a small amount of other series of aluminum.
Aerospace aluminum is mainly used in airfoil skins, airfoil long rafts, spar upper and lower edge strips, webs, fuselage long rafts, seat rails, keel beams, side frames, fuselage skins, lower fuselage Wall panels, main floor rafters and other parts.
1. Hard aluminum: aluminum magnesium copper alloy. The most widely used aluminum alloy in the aviation industry. Commonly used 2024, 2A12, 2017A, strength, toughness, fatigue resistance, good plasticity. Used to make skins, partitions, ribs, etc.
2, super hard aluminum: aluminum zinc magnesium copper alloy. Commonly used 7075, 7A09, high strength limit and high yield strength, with a large load, used to make the upper wing skin and girders on the wing.
3, anti-rust aluminum alloy: commonly used aluminum-magnesium alloy 5A02, 5A06, 5B05. It has high corrosion resistance, fatigue resistance, good plasticity and weldability. They are used to make mailboxes, tubing, etc.
4, forged aluminum alloy, commonly used 6A02, high hardness, with good corrosion resistance. Manufacture of engine parts, joints, etc.
5. Casting aluminum alloy is characterized by high heat resistance, low density and strong corrosion resistance, and is generally used for manufacturing engine casings.

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